Schema Mapping
Schema mapping defines how data is converted between the schemas of an external data source and the 1Validate session schema (stored by the cache).
The mapping translates relational database tables and columns into classes and attributes in the session schema. You select the tables and columns to import and optionally override the names of the corresponding classes and attributes in 1Validate. You can also add new classes and attributes for internal use.
The schema used by the session is created from all data stores from which data has been opened.
Each data store has two schema mappings: one for input and one for output to a different location.
- Input mapping is used to read the data and in reverse when committing the data back to the same source.
- Output mapping is used only for a copy-to task when the data is not being written back to the original source location.
Note: By default, Output Mapping typically replicates the Input Mapping, but this does not have to be the case and different databases can be used if required.
Data Types
The following data types can be mapped into 1Validate:
- Boolean
- Integer (signed 32-bit number up to 2,147,483,647)
- Integer64 (signed 64-bit number)
- Real (double precision floating point number)
- String
- Datetime (date with optional timestamp)
- Geometry
References (any database foreign keys will be loaded as object references, so the table of the referenced objects must also be enabled to ensure that they are loaded)
Attributes will be mapped automatically to the most appropriate type where it is possible to determine from the data source.
Note: Some numeric mappings may lose precision so it is advised that you fully understand your data to ensure you use the most appropriate data type. For example, do not read integers with values greater than 2,147,483,647 into a 32 bit integer; use 64 bit integers instead.